7 Last Sayings of Christ on the Cross (Day 2)
For Holy Week we are going through the 7 Last Sayings of Christ on the Cross.
By Anthony Skinner
Art Scott Erikson
“Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”
Jesus, the spotless Lamb of God was hanging on a cross, taking away the sin of the world. He had two companions during his crucifixion. They were criminals and they too were being crucified, one on either side of him. One of these men railed at Jesus and said, “ ‘What kind of Messiah are you? Save yourself and save us from this death!’ However, the criminal hanging on the other cross rebuked the man and said, ‘Don’t you fear God? You’re about to die! We deserve to be condemned, for we’re being repaid for what we’ve done. But this man—he’s done nothing wrong!’ Then he said, 'I beg of you, my Lord Jesus, show me grace and take me with you into your everlasting kingdom!’ Jesus responded, ‘I promise you—this very day you will enter paradise with me.’ (see Luke 23: 39-43)
Have you had the experience of being on both sides of the cross of Jesus?
Have you ever made demands of God or blamed him for the consequences of your own actions? Have you, with a contrite heart, recognized your sin before him and cried out to him for forgiveness?
If you should be so graced as to recognize Jesus for who he is and be gifted to enter in repentance, then by all means throw yourself at his feet, and in so doing you too will share paradise with Christ.
Perhaps there is someone who is asking you for forgiveness in a most inopportune moment. Maybe they don’t appear deserving like the thief who begged Jesus for forgiveness in his final moments on the cross.
If so, could this be your opportunity to share the forgiving heart of Christ with another?
Dear Jesus, I want to be like the thief who recognized you for who you are. I want to recognize my sin, ask for grace and enter into communion with you. Father God, I want to be like your son Jesus and offer forgiveness to those who may even appear unworthy. Give me the heart of Christ so that I may love like him even when I am in distress. Amen