Day 10 - We are Named by God


I’ve called your name. You’re mine. Isaiah 43:1


Just as God calls himself by many names… so He has many beautiful, powerful, and wonderful names for us.  Our many names are rooted in God’s name.  And thus, our identity is rooted in God’s identity. Just as God’s Word and Name are unchanging… so are the names and identities that He has for us, even if we do not understand, acknowledge, or believe them.  

So, what are some names the King of the Universe calls us?  He calls us His children, sons, and Daughters of the King.  He calls us Beloved.  He also calls us Co-Heirs with Christ.  He calls us Christ’s inheritance.  He calls us priests and kings. 

Because He calls us these things… we are these things.  Let me say that again.  Because He calls us these things, we are these things.  He exalts His Name and Word above all things; because of this, His word and titles for us do not change either.  What a fantastic truth.  I am a son.  I am a daughter.  I am a Co-heir with Christ.  I am beloved.  I am God’s royal child and Christ’s royal partner.   

As His children, He tells us to come to His throne and cry Abba, Father.  But He also tells us to approach the throne confidently as a Co-heir with Christ.


Are your inner thoughts and actions in agreement with who God says you are?  Can you embrace your identity as a royal child of The King? Do you know how to come to God as a Co-heir with Christ?  Talk and listen to God about these things.


God, I want to see myself the way you see me.  I want to know myself as a royal child and a Co-heir with Christ.  God, teach me who I am in you, and give me the grace to walk in the truth. 

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