7 Last Sayings of Christ on the Cross (Day 6)
By Anthony Skinner
"When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, “It is finished,” and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit." (John 19:30)
“Christ has said, ‘IT IS FINISHED!’ and we must cease to work too (Rom 4:3), not only with our hands but with our souls—working no more for life, for that is given; working no more for justification, for that is concluded; but to-day RESTING in Christ (Rom 4, Mt 11) for ‘It is finished!’ There is nothing for God to do. ‘IT IS FINISHED.’
There is nothing for you to do. ‘IT IS FINISHED.’ Christ need not bleed. ‘IT IS FINISHED.’ You need not weep. ‘IT IS FINISHED.’ God the Holy Spirit need not delay because of your unworthiness, nor need you to delay because of your helplessness. ‘IT IS FINISHED.’
Every stumbling block is rolled out of the road; every gate is opened. The bars of brass are broken, and the gates of iron are burst asunder. ‘IT IS FINISHED.’ Come and welcome; come and welcome!." - Spurgeon
A monk once posed a question to a friend of mine who was rehashing an old experience. He said, “How long are you going to carry that dead corpse around?” If you’ve ever come upon something dead in the forest you know just how awful it can smell. Sometimes we need to call a thing done. I don’t mean we are to deny our true feelings, but if we stay stuck in the past it may color or distort our present.
Do you have anything you need to call done? Do you need to let go of something today?
God, help me enter into an agreement with you today and call it finished.