Day 12 - Praying from Heaven to Earth


Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Matthew 6:10 (NIV)


When teaching the disciples to pray, Jesus said, “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”. His language is an invitation to awaken our hearts to a greater awareness of Heaven. His prayer moves us towards cultivating our ability to see beyond what is right in front of our eyes and begs the question, “What is Heaven’s reality?” The more knowledgeable we become to what Heaven looks like... the more accurately we can pray through our desires, our words and our deeds for ”The kingdom of our world to become the kingdom of our God” (Rev. 11:15).  

The kingdom of God coming to earth means God’s goodness will be manifested in our midst in real and tangible ways.   For example, Psalm 89:14 states, “Righteousness and justice are the foundations of Your throne; love and faithfulness go before you.”   Think about that.  Where your heart longs for justice in a situation is where you long for God’s kingdom.  You establish God's kingdom on earth where you show love to your neighbor. 


If Nashville looked like the kingdom of God, what would that look like? Can you imagine a city filled with salvations, healing, joy, justice, reconciliation, and peace? What part of God’s heart do you long to see? Dream with God for your family, your church, and your city.  Remember, “All things are impossible for the one who believes” (Mark 9:23).


Holy Spirit, give me eyes to see Heaven’s reality today in every thought, circumstance, and interaction. Expand my faith and vision for what is possible with you.

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